quarta-feira, setembro 25, 2002

Fark rulezzzzz supreme!

Ainda sobre neg�cios na Internet, o Fark.com � O Grande Modelo Pontocom do s�culo 21: n�o gera conte�do (s� indica o conte�do dos outros), arregimenta uma legi�o de fissurados e ainda cobra aos hiper-mega-fissurados (TotalFark) pelo privil�gio de receber ainda mais notinhas de terceiros e furar a fila dos f�runs de palpites. Mas, como diz um leitor-usu�rio do Fark...

This website is able to exist because it provides a content that drives potential consumers to it, some of whom sponsor it directly via totalFARK, some of whom sponsor it via ad placement, some of whom sponsor it via "click throughs" on ads, and some of whom, like basic television, watch the content go to the bathroom during the commercial breaks, and never ever watch PBS during the ubiquitous funding drives. This is a good website, but to claim the website exists solely due to the contributions of totalFARKS is inaccurate and self-aggrandizing. You ain't all that.

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